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You are Powerful Beings

Greetings - we are a group of inter dimensional beings speaking to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation and more importantly we represent the wishes of All That Is. We are here today to bring you a message regarding your earth plane and its most recent developments and how we have arrived in this current situation.

As you are aware the earth moves through the photon belt of divine light that is bringing these energies and embracing your earth plane with these energies so that you are being awaken from a sleep that was induced by the dark energies.

The dark energies we refer to are the Draco reptilians and the Orion Grey's that have enslaved your earth plane for many thousands of years. These dark energies vibrate at a very low frequency and so with the influx of light energies embracing your earth plane at this time are not conducive for their survival. They have been very comfortable in the environment they created for you within which they cocooned themselves and have survived. This environment that they created was as a result of many aspects, they have technology that they have subjected the population to, they have infiltrated the environment through low frequency radio waves and they have manipulated the systems set in place by the energy that created a dynamic, perfect system which is All That Is.

These beings have over many years created an illusion within their minds and their civilizations that they need to fight against the energy of All That Is and so they have made it their collective purpose to do so. Remember, their bodies in its original design vibrate at a very low frequency as reptilians and derivatives of that species. Over time these energies have become quite sophisticated within this lower vibration. They have developed powerfully within their minds allowing for themselves to become masters in mind control and shape-shifters. They have also become masters in technology and have made advancements in the development of artificial intelligence. All of these energies combine to manifest through their primary energy of fear and dominance. This cocktail of elements when combined make them very powerful beings.

However, they fade in the presence of light and anything to do with frequencies vibrating within the love frequency or higher. As they began to be exposed to the light coming in to touch the confines of the low frequency vibration cocoon that they had created, their world was shattered. It was like a blindfold had been ripped off their eyes. They were blinded by the light and many of them even though they were aware peripherally of this taking place, they did not expect this energy to be so powerful. They began to scramble and send out their scouts and scientists to try to find ways to block out these energies so that they could continue with their lifestyle upon the earth plane. They had by this time from their perspective, created a wonderful lifestyle for themselves. They had complete monopoly of a planet that was wealthy in resources and minerals, they had any amount of slaves at their disposal, they could capture any number of women and children they wished for their nefarious pursuits. They had too much to lose and so they wished to find a way to return to their normal way of life.

Meanwhile, what they were unaware of was that All That Is in its awareness foresaw the devastation that would befall the earth plane if the rule of these beings continued. So it recruited a group of highly evolved beings from Andromeda to delve into the future to find a road-map that would deviate from the devastation of the earth plane and its inhabitants. Subsequently a massive army of light beings, evolved light beings, the Galactic Federation of Light and many of their supporters all came together under the guidance of All That Is to put a very sophisticated plan into motion. The elements of success of this mission from our perspective at this time is that we have removed the ruling class of the Draco reptilians and their minions the Orion Grey's from the earth plane.

However, their infiltration over many thousands of your earth years have taken a toll on the human race as they have managed to completely reverse your entire living template. The repercussions of these actions are so deep and so vast that it has infiltrated every aspect of not only your society but your body/speech/mind complex as well. It is hard for us light beings to see the devastation that you as potential light beings have been subjected to. Even though our task is quite daunting, we are encouraged by the fact that we see many of you awakening to your true aspects. However small that glimmer of light might be, it is very encouraging for us to see this and to keep going on our mission.

The devastation is so deep rooted in your individual minds that even the concept of other life forms beyond your earth plane is laughable and ridiculous. So of course when we tell you that you are very powerful beings you will not believe it because you have been made to believe otherwise by beings that were so very afraid of your light and your power. They had to go to such lengths to enslave you so that your individual powers were dumbed-down and became invisible. Imagine that these beings whose template was made of fear were able to enslave you how much more powerful you are who are by divine design made of love. How powerful you are! This is your birthright and you are sovereign in this right. This is what you are, you have been freed from the slavery that was imposed upon you so that you may awaken and realize your true powerful self.

We wish to trigger this empowerment within yourself and allow for you to wake up from the imposed slumber you have been in and rise up to the new you. As Gaia awakens as well from her slavery, she transitions and gains strength from the light embracing her within the photon belt, we ask that you take this step forward as well and be bathed in this light gaining strength in knowing that you are loved by the divine and that you are progressing on the path towards higher realms as you were meant to.

Your growth was stunted and you were deviated from this path, you and your ancestors before you and so as you forge ahead on this new beginning know that you are supported by a chorus of many light beings and higher energies watching over you and cheering you on.

We are so very proud of your accomplishments as you begin to find your truth and peel away the layers of deception that have been laid upon your for so long. Even though the situation on your earth plane at this time might look like it is very unstable and delusional, know that you are at the edge of something quite remarkable. Keep taking steps forward in higher frequency and in truth and you will soon see yourself within these new and higher realms. We cannot wait to interact with you as peers and equals. We will leave you now as there are many things for you to ponder and contemplate as a result of this transmission.

Blessings and much joy on your path.

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