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The Sophia Code Divine Feminine transmission for your 2025 evolution.

Updated: Dec 30, 2024


We are coming to you as one voice known as the Sophia Code or as a Collective of the Divine Feminine voice from the mystery schools of Egypt. We have long departed from your earth plane only to return now at this time to bring forth our teachings from that golden age into this golden age of your ascension.

We bring forth teachings of how we ascended during that time and try our best to match some of those energies with what you are experiencing now. Time and space have come together as two strings entwined from long distances apart, however they carry the same frequency as they once again merge to bring forth the powerful energies of the photon belt carrying these high frequency energies that are now raining down upon your plane of existence. We come to you with the message of allowing your energy to purify itself as you purge from thousands of your years of karma as it sits within your cells, your DNA and within the cells of your planet. Hidden within the electrons and protons of each cell, some dormant for many thousands of your years.

Each holding within them the memory of your existence and many lifetimes past. With each of these cells as you and your planet pass through the photon belt, the memories of the past are coming forward to be washed, to be awakened and allowed to be transcended for higher purposes. You are each being asked to bathe in this light of the divine so that all the cells you carry within your body from past lifetimes and past eons are allowed to come forth for cleansing and healing. You are doing this both consciously and unconsciously, whether you like it or not. This is the way of the universe. 

We hope that with this message you are able to go through this awakening consciously so that you are able to experience the joy we once felt as we progressed through our own ascension process aligning our bodies while still in the physical. This is the true mastery that many ascended masters have achieved, your historical books speak of this process as attained by Buddha, Jesus, Tara, Quan Yin and many others. Mary Magdalene and myself, Hathor who speak to you here, represent the collective of all feminine energies who have mastered such an art of ascending while still in the physical form. We practiced for many years within our mystery schools on how to achieve this state of being as we each achieved it as a master within our own field of study. Our achievement was practiced over many years of strict discipline, mental focus, physical exercise, dance and other such practices. However, you are on a very different playing field, so to speak, as the world you presently live in is a far cry from the environment and frequency purity we once lived within, while we practiced for our ascension journey all those many thousands of years ago. 

We lived in a pure land and a very different iteration of your earth, that once was. Its current state, degraded to an extremely low frequency, where beings upon your plane, have long lost that pure connection to the divine. You could say, that once revered environment we almost took for granted as it was so easy for us to achieve that instant connection with the Creator and the divine realms. It is unfortunate that a majority of your population cannot even comprehend that an ascension is taking place upon your plane of existence, leave alone develop a practice or discipline to achieve your own ascension. 

For us, this is a very sad fact to come to terms with as you do not know or understand just how very blessed and fortunate you are to be going through this very important phase of your souls journey along with your mother planet. This is the greatest golden age and cycle to ever exist within all known Creation and you are taking part in it, whether you know it or not. This cycle is happening all around you in varying degrees and on many spectrums and layers of transformation. 

It is our greatest desire for you to stop, take stock of your life, acknowledge what is taking place and allow for your energies to dance with the multi-dimensional aspect of yourself. For this is what you are - a multi-dimensional being, only, you have forgotten this incredible fact about yourself. You have gone through a very difficult cycle of being suppressed and blocked from your true divinity on a soul level, starving you of your true, pure connection to the Creator. You were plucked from the true evolutionary cycle and true timeline of your soul’s and your planet's evolution, by being dropped into a phantom evolutionary cycle that has stripped you of your divine spark that innately kept you in tune with the Creators light.

This imposed trajectory has now shifted and changed as your earth plane in her journey through the stars, cosmically moved into the light of the photon belt, allowing herself the chance to heal and by default bringing you as her children back into the light of the Creator and your true evolutionary cycle and authentic soul timeline. 

We ask you to explore this potential within yourself by going into meditation and connecting with your heart centre. Stay within this quiet whisper from the Creator and within this flame that exists within each of you - allowing that flame to strongly re-ignite and glow within you, chasing away the false identities and the darkness of the past. Bring forth the trueness of your soul and its true connection with the Creator.

This is the way forward and the way that you step into your own Golden Age and the path that is being laid out for you as you move forward, in your own sovereignty, in your own divinity as it aligns with your Higher Self, your Oversoul and with that of the Creator. Listen to the whispers of your own heart for this will lead you forward as the flame within your heart strengthens and alignes all the broken and fragmented pieces of your past and the earth’s past. Healing and shining your own Golden Light as you move forward. For together you are strong and your brightness becomes that much more beautiful and powerful. 


~The Sophia Dragon Tribe

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