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Tainted Religious Beliefs


We are a group of inter-dimensional beings speaking to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation and more importantly we represent the wishes of All That Is.

Today we would like to speak to you about somethings that are taking place on your earth plane from the perspective of religion. We understand that this is a very personal choice for many as it is portrayed in your individual religious beliefs and many of you follow the religious beliefs of your ancestors. As we have stated in many of our discourses and have gone into detail about this subject in our book, we do not wish for you to give up or turn away from your beliefs. It is for you to discern what is right for you and for your soul’s path.

We wish to demonstrate our truth through our perspectives and what is physically taking place upon your earth plane and ask for you to discern for yourself your own truth. We will always be here and stand for what we have said through this channel. In our previous discourse we elaborated on the process set up by the energy known to us as All That Is, called the evolutionary process. This process in its perfection and intelligence has served all living beings in a majority of the cosmos. We say majority because there are those that wish to deviate from this path and explore the boundaries of their own beliefs and this too is alright. This practice has been demonstrated by the Draco reptilians and Orion grey's to an extreme level, this does not mean that they have been deserted by the energy known as All That Is. These beings have just as much light within them as you and me, however they have chosen to experience their incarnations as a different aspect of their soul.

For ease of understanding we wish to illustrate. Imagine a straight line with a middle point which is where your soul spark connected to All That Is resides. When you incarnate into a life-form you have a plan and a purpose, however this plan and purpose has to be discovered within a 3rd dimensional aspect and so you come into a world with no knowledge of your pre-incarnation plans or what your purpose is. As you go through life you move along this line that are the parameters of your life. If you choose to go left you have certain experiences, if you choose to go right you have certain experiences and if you stay in the middle you still have certain experiences. None of these experiences are wrong or right, at the end of your incarnation your energy is aligned back to the energy of All That Is and no matter what your experience in that incarnation your soul is richer than when you began your incarnation.

All That Is in its perfection wished to from the very beginning of its experiences share and explore all that it had created with the beings that it brought into fruition. This grand exploration and experience of sharing still continues after many eons and evolutionary cycles. With each incarnation and with each exploration this beings knowledge and wisdom expands and so too does the universal bank of knowledge that beings who are evolved and know how to access this information are able to tap into and enjoy. The beings on the earth plane at this time are going through a revival of their soul’s path that has been severed and this is being reestablished.

These are difficult times for many and we understand this, as you are being bombarded on all sides with ideas and concepts and things that were coming to fruition in your immediate life that are most certainly not conducive to a way of life that you have become comfortable living within. The beings that invaded your plane of existence have broken the universal laws as set out by the energy known as All That Is and have created a plane all of their own outside of the creation of All That Is. It is on this plane that they have sought to demonstrate their hostility towards the energy of All That Is but have used many countless souls as pawns in their game of adversity. Each being and each soul is directly responsible for their own path and so what they have demonstrated as a collective deviates from these universal laws.

We ask you to go within and look deeply upon whatever it is your belief systems are religious or otherwise. There are many elements that these energies as part of their deception introduced for the living souls that they captured to experience, as part of their own depravity and retaliation towards the energy of All That Is. One stark reality that has been demonstrated in a previous episode has been the life of the one you know as Jesus. This being was before its incarnation as this being, a pure being and still exists as a pure being and is working hard for all the souls upon this plane to be freed from this slavery system. However, the concepts and teachings that this being tried to introduce during its incarnation have all been tainted and these tainted doctrines are what religious beliefs have been built on.

If you wish to follow the true teachings of this being known as Jesus, go within and you will find the true whispering of his teachings as they come to you through your higher self that is connected to All That Is. There are many as you call them ascended masters that have walked on your plane of existence and have achieved much and for this we are grateful. What they have essentially achieved is a graduation from the 4th to the 5th dimension, they achieved the transition from a physical body to a light body. However, developing a religious belief around these incarnational achievements are the misguided creations of these dark forces as part of their own agenda and retaliation towards the energy of All That Is.

Many will deem us to be false gods and false prophets bringing you messages to taint knowledge and history that has been established by many over thousands of your years. To this we say you need to discern this for yourself, we have laid out and demonstrated the truth as we see it and ask you to, in your own time and quiet space ponder these truths. We say to you again you are powerful beings and what these energies tried to do to you and your soul is a deviation from your true path.

You are being offered the energetic hand of All That Is at this time to revive your connection to your higher self and reinstate your original soul’s journey so that you might discover and explore an expanded version of yourself. You can of course decide to stay where you are and this too is alright, the truth of this choice being that you will most likely have to repeat this evolutionary cycle within the 3rd dimensional experience either on the earth plane or another plane of existence to progress on your soul’s path. This is something for you and your higher self to decide when you complete this incarnation.

Graduating to the 5th dimension is a sacred and grand transition for the soul to achieve. It moves the soul forward so that it might achieve a higher view and understanding of the real nature of All That Is. It is here that a celebration takes place and in a way you walk with the adepts and you are able to then at the soul level explore dimensions of your choosing without the restrictions of a physical body. It is like taking a vacation to all of your favourite spots without having to pay for a flight or a train ticket, you are just there to enjoy what these spaces have to offer you for your well being. We would like to end this discourse by wishing you much blessings with peace and joy on your path.


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