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Prelude to Mother's Day

Historically Mother’s day came into existence in the early 1900’s and was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 soon after her mother’s death in 1905. She conceived Mother’s Day in honour of all mothers sacrifices made for their children. Her version of celebrating this day was to wear a white carnation as a badge and visit one’s mother or attend a church service. This day then became a US holiday in 1914 and soon became commercialized. In today’s day and age, flowers, cards, chocolates and if you are far from your mother, amazon is the answer to bestow any one of these gifts upon her.

In my opinion, and having grown up in India and before the advent of television this day of celebration was outside of my reality. My mother was the backbone of our family, a single mother of four kids, me leading the bunch as the oldest. Times were hard and she struggled to keep our family afloat. This strength is what I see in my mother, she has maintained this strength through the years, always with childish laughter and a smile. She took up the mantle of both aspects of parenthood and gave us everything we needed to become adults. These were the foundations of my youth and even though I have morphed into an adult perhaps even my mother does not recognize today, she still had an impact on my life and feel blessed and honoured for her giving me life and for having the ability to incarnate into this physical body to have the ability to explore and embody this aspect of the divine.

The energy of mother or ‘the mother’ hails from the very beginning of all creation. This energy is associate with All That Is and the beginning of the soul spark that birthed the divine feminine and divine masculine energies. The union of these two energies is what is called the trinity and the birthing of light into creation on the macro level. On the micro and human level these energies are condensed to the very cells and molecules in our body each having a divine feminine and divine masculine aspect - there is no other.

This is divine science and divine geometry. Splicing and dicing or dividing these energies, or portraying them as any other goes against cosmic or divine laws of the universe. The confused state of the beings on earth today is a result of these energies wishing to explore themselves as these divided and spliced parts. There is nothing wrong or right about this, only that those choosing this path will eventually return to space dust or take the long and circuitous path back to source creation or All That Is, that could potentially result in many lifetimes of suffering.

By acknowledging the divine masculine and divine feminine aspects within ones body, I believe you are in alignment with your true identity and that of the creator, by forcing yourself to feel something that is not there or creating some part of you or your body through surgical means directly puts you on the path of negative polarity to what is divinely created.

The mother energy or divine feminine energy is that of a nurturing energy, it is one of creation and it is sacred. It harnesses growth and it births light in many aspects and forms. You see this everywhere you go. The feminine aspect or the female is responsible for all the beauty you see around you from the beautiful flowers, the birds, the insects, the animals and yes even you beautiful humans. Is this what we are trying to get rid of and eradicate?

The world over and many governments and their laws are infiltrating the school system and society by poisoning our minds and that of our children with their tainted and inverted views by imposing their distorted belief systems into our psyche socially and within the education system. Their objective is to eliminate the female species through their many doctrines. They have tried doing this across many generations, only this time they have chosen to attack the most vulnerable - the children. The witch trials, the suppression of the feminine in all aspects of society are a result of this methodical eradication over many thousands of our years. This is not true creation, it is an inversion.

So my plea to you is to stop following their degraded dictates. Go within, find the goodness in your heart and you will find your connection to the true creator and your own loving soul spark of this creation. As you make this connection, find that quiet voice within that has always been with you, it is non-violent, it is calm, it is beautiful. The more you engage with this energy, the more you will be connected to the goodness that is innate within your being and your true self. This is the mother, this is the father within you. There is no separation, you are the child of this energy that is one, it is All That Is.

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