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Depraved Societal Structures


We are a group of inter-dimensional beings speaking to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation and more importantly we represent the wishes of All That Is.

Today we would like to speak about the structures of your society and how this is impacting your evolution. As we have said in our previous transmissions your earth plane was under the rule of some very dark energies whom we call the Draco Reptilians and the Orion Grey's. These beings have relinquished their power while the remaining factions are being rounded up and are surrendering. The overlords of this hierarchy have all surrendered and they are being brought to justice under Universal Laws as designed by the energy we call All That Is.

During their rule on your earth plane these beings have over many thousands of your earth years infiltrated and subjected your body/mind/spirit complex to their lower vibrational energy and their way of existence. In doing so you have been led away from the progression of your soul’s path into higher dimensions of light. The structures that these beings have set up on your earth plane are not conducive for the energies of your 3rd dimensional body/speech/mind complex and so what has taken place is a very devious method of hybridization if you will. Even though your body and your demeanour is humanoid your actions and your behaviour have become over time attuned to and are equivalent to that of a low vibrational species that would equate to these beings and their source planets and planes of existence.

These beings have achieved this through a sophisticated method of hierarchy that they have perfected. The highest three levels are ruled and maintained by these reptilian and grey species. From the fourth layer down reaching right down to your everyday level of society are humans that have been influenced in some fashion or the other by these beings. The fourth layer on the top being the most senior level of humans consist of your class of society who are leaders of your countries, CEO’s of large corporations, all forms of government agencies, international governing bodies etc.

In the more recent years some of these positions have been taken on by clones and hybrid human/clone beings. The next tier is designated to a rank of individuals that we would like to call the enforcers. These beings are chosen in their roles as a specialty because of their aggressive nature and traits in character that are far removed from compassion and any semblance of love. These individuals are brought into the fray of this hierarchy after careful consideration and grooming. These individuals are then invited to gatherings so that they are allowed to socially mingle while their every move and action is monitored. There are many layers to this process of selection depending on the circumstances of the individual and the prospective role they are being groomed for.

This process sometimes begins with birth as bloodlines are very important to the higher ranking reptilians. The early stages of this process was based on sabotage and holding the individual’s family and friends hostage as an initiation process. However as the years progressed these beings in their depravity created a false god whom they depicted for their satanic worship and thus began the practice of ritual satanic worship and abuse.

These rituals were brought into fruition by collecting many beings who were in their own right following the path as designed by All That Is and had realized their cognitive and instinctive abilities. These beings and their abilities were then hijacked and under the tutelage of these dark beings reversed and directed their abilities towards these false gods and dark energies. As these false energies gained strength they took on personalities and forms, these energies were then enhanced by these dark lords and their advanced technologies. This resulted in a powerful concoction of dark magical power especially when perceived from a human perspective. When these potential candidates being groomed for high positions within this created hierarchy were brought into these ritual ceremonies they had no choice but to succumb to their deadly spells.

These energies then hooked into their own energy bodies thus sealing their fate in becoming a part of this terrible hierarchy to be controlled and groomed as the dark ones wished. This class was exposed to the most horrific, aggressive energies that were blended with the already existing traits of their own energy enhancing their aggressive behaviour and experience. The more creative they were in their depravity the more they were rewarded. In this way this layer of society became enforcers and you see them in your world as the ones that are in charge of defense, in your parliament, lawyers, judges, law enforcement etc.

These beings in most cases were recruited a handler that would often keep these energies engaged and in line with what was required of their role. These handlers were also protectors, shielding these enforcers from interference within the organization, department or structure they managed. This handler also recruited and introduced other potential candidates to the upper echelons of this hierarchy. A classic example of this scenario would be Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. The tentacles of these two individuals are far reaching in all directions. The lower rungs of the hierarchy continue with some involvement but depending on the demeanour and character of individuals the degree of involvement is thus decided upon.

In this way this hierarchy spread and developed their network in all walks of your society capturing all levels that influenced and impacted the behaviour of the many. One major aspect that is still a strong hold that is now beginning to crumble is your media corporations. This was one of the very first areas of society to be captured and infiltrated and so these roots go deep and are highly entangled. As the Galactic Federation works through these ranks you will begin to see many of these figure heads step down. The climate of your news media will soon shift as you will experience a very different story coming out of the mouths of these newscasters. Many of them realize just how indoctrinated they are but many are too afraid to speak out or make a stand for fear of their families, their wealth and their jobs being held hostage. All of this will soon change as these halls of darkness are being exposed to the light.

We encourage you truthers out there to continue to do what you are doing as you have been key to bringing much of this to light. We understand and commend you on the hard and difficult role you have had to play over these last few years. Your truth is being heard and the many are finally beginning to hear your story and the merit it carries as opposed to the false narratives that are being spun each day by these newscasters. In closing we would like to say to you that the energies of All That Is, the Galactic Federation and a large collective of higher light beings are working tirelessly to ensure that each and every negative action undertaken by these remaining hierarchies are being monitored and will soon be brought to justice.

From your perspective we ask you to be cognizant of what is taking place within these structures of society and question any action or deed that does not resonate with your true nature and being. There is much growth and healing to come about after all of this is said and done and we ask you to be strong and know that you are supported on your way forward.

The higher light is continuing to infiltrate your earth plane and these beings are unable to hide themselves any longer, it is up to you to shed yourselves from these false realities that they created and step into a higher conscious state of being. Begin to forge a path that is coming from your heart and that resonates with your higher self and your higher knowing. Meditate on these truths and these ideas if you are hearing it for the first time. If they seem bizarre and out of this world they are meant to be because you have been living in a false reality and have forgotten your true nature and sense of being. As you connect back to your true sovereign selves know that you are made of the frequency and essence of a powerful love and all knowing energy. It is an expansive and beautiful energy that only wishes for you to move past this drudgery you find yourself in.

We will leave you now in the most sacred light of this all knowing being - All That Is.


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